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Potenza Microneedling RF

Introducing the Potenza RF microneedling treatment, a customizable solution that’s designed for you. Whether you want to tighten and firm your skin, minimize the common signs of aging or reduce blemishes, you’ll unleash your skin’s potential after only a few treatments. Potenza is a quick and cost-effective alternative to laser treatments providing a great way to treat signs of aging without the downtime associated with lasers.

The Infusion option is an RF microneedling treatment specifically designed to tighten and revitalize your skin. Unlike other treatments, it also delivers topicals into the deep layers of the skin, giving you an extra boost. Ultrafine needles and radiofrequency (RF) energy are used to penetrate the top layer of the skin and trigger the body’s natural healing process to regenerate new collagen and elastin. The best part? Treatments are customized to your specific skin concerns to ensure you are getting the best treatment experience possible, every time.

Potenza Microneedling RF

Introducing the Potenza RF microneedling treatment, a customizable solution that’s designed for you. Whether you want to tighten and firm your skin, minimize the common signs of aging or reduce blemishes, you’ll unleash your skin’s potential after only a few treatments. Potenza is a quick and cost-effective alternative to laser treatments providing a great way to treat signs of aging without the downtime associated with lasers.

The Infusion option is an RF microneedling treatment specifically designed to tighten and revitalize your skin. Unlike other treatments, it also delivers topicals into the deep layers of the skin, giving you an extra boost. Ultrafine needles and radiofrequency (RF) energy are used to penetrate the top layer of the skin and trigger the body’s natural healing process to regenerate new collagen and elastin. The best part? Treatments are customized to your specific skin concerns to ensure you are getting the best treatment experience possible, every time.

What can I expect from the treatment?

Treatment times may vary, however most treatments can be performed in an hour. As pain tolerance varies from patient to patient, numbing cream may be offered by your physician to ensure a comfortable treatment experience.

What is the benefit of microneedling treatments that use RF energy and topicals?

Using RF energy and topicals will trigger your body’s natural response to create an increased level of collagen and elastin production, resulting in an enhanced skin revitalization treatment versus microneedling alone.

When will I see results?

The elastin and collagen building typically takes place 4-6 weeks after treatment, with optimal results usually seen at 12 weeks after the last treatment. The number of passes and penetration to the skin will affect the results seen. We recommend a minimum of 3 treatments on the face and neck and 4 for the body to achieve your best result

Why RF microneedling vs. non-RF microneedling?

Potenza delivers focused radiofrequency (RF) technology to heat your skin. Using RF technology will trigger your body’s natural response to create an increased level of collagen and elastin production, resulting in an enhanced skin revitalization treatment versus microneedling alone